Analysis upon every delivery

Delivery Hall

Risk Management in the Delivery Hall

The delivery hall already provides the opportunity of identifying risks and averting danger, before the actual waste processing activities even start. If targeted risk management already addresses the delivery (to the delivery hall or open air delivery)  – i. e. prior to refuse bunker charging – flammable contents can be removed from waste, thus eliminating potential damage. 

From sampling inspection of incoming wastes and shredding of bulky wastes to shallow fill of waste prior to bunker charge, there are numerous possibilities to manage risks of waste delivery effectively. Together with you, we develop approaches for action which are compatible with your internal processes, and prepare a concept that brings together all experience gained with other operators.

You can actively counteract the rise of damage by sharpening your risk perception with our assistance, and systematically initiate counter measures. The insurance industry will honor your efforts with better premium conditions. 

And if, despite all precautionary measures, fire occured, your records will help the insurer to identify the source of fire, to trace back the originator, thus enforcing any regress claims.  

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